Trinity TV
As a member of Trinity Multi-Academy Trust, Trinity Academy St Peter’s often has the opportunity to work with other schools in the Trust to enhance the learning experience for our pupils.
We are very pleased to be able to let you know that, through our partnership with Trinity Academy Halifax, we are now able to offer your child access to ‘Trinity TV’. ‘Trinity TV’ is an additional home learning resource which is designed to give pupils access to extra-curricular learning through subject specific challenges and tasks which go beyond the national curriculum studied within the normal school day.
All challenges and tasks have been devised by subject specialist staff at Trinity Academy Halifax; this not only gives pupils access to more breadth in their learning, but also gives them the opportunity to see what learning looks like in a secondary school setting. Challenges and tasks will be set in the following subjects:
- PE
- Performing Arts
- Science
- History/Geography
Tasks have been designed so that pupils are able to complete them independently or together with siblings, parents/carers or others in their household. There is no time limit to when these tasks are completed, and it may be something that you wish to do as a family in the evening or at the weekend.
Trinity TV is designed to be fun and engaging and to also give pupils the opportunity to explore areas of the curriculum that they may not always have the chance to engage with. It should complement the core curriculum offered by your child’s class teacher and should not be completed instead of this learning, but in addition.
Please see your child’s Teams page at the beginning of each week where all the challenges and tasks for the week will be posted.
We’d love to see what you get up to! Make sure you are following us on social media. Use the hashtag #TrinityTV when sharing your Trinity TV stories!
Team Trinity!