SATs information
SATs (national curriculum tests) take place once a year for our Year 6 and Year 2 pupils. If you have a child in Year 6, they will take national curriculum tests in English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling and mathematics. In 2023 these tests took place in the week beginning Monday 8 May. The tests help measure the progress pupils have made and identify if they need additional support in a certain area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance and to produce national performance data. In Year 2, at the end of Key Stage 1, pupils will take tests in English reading and maths. The tests will support teachers to judge the standard at which your child is working at in English and maths. The KS1 tests take place over a four-week period. The Department for Education have produced an information booklet for parents, which can be downloaded using the link below.