The computing curriculum at Trinity Academy St Peter’s is designed to give pupils the knowledge needed to gain digital literacy skills for our ever-increasing technological world. The study of computing gives pupils the opportunity to develop their computational thinking to gain insights into natural and artificial systems, whilst also developing their creativity by creating programs and systems.
Our computing curriculum delivers the national curriculum aims and beyond and is designed so that the knowledge is structured so that each term and year build upon one another and ensures pupils gain the essential aspects of the three areas of Information Technology, Computing and Internet Safety. The subject knowledge of computing draws on knowledge learnt in maths, science and design and technology and it makes links to this prior knowledge so that pupils can make connections. Pupils put this knowledge to use through developing their programming and IT skills.
The curriculum is designed so that pupils understand the impact of computing on their lives and the wider world; the curriculum looks at not just how to use IT systems and how they are created, but also how to appreciate the advances that IT brings to our world, such as communication, sustainability and accessibility. In addition to this, pupils are encouraged to evaluate the ethics underpinning these technological developments and consider their responsibilities within the area of internet safety.
The depth of knowledge gained will give pupils the strong foundations within the study of computing which not only prepares them for future study, but also helps them to be ready for life in our future digitised world, in the workplace and beyond.